Why Does Your New Baby Needs Baby Pillow?
You might already know about the dangers of sleeping with your baby on a couch or the floor. A baby pillow is a must-have for any parent, and it's also an excellent idea to consider purchasing one before you head out on your next trip. Even if you don't plan to leave the house, this article will teach you some reasons why you should consider buying a baby pillow!

The Importance of Baby Pillows
When you are pregnant, it is natural to want everything to be perfect for your little one. You may feel like you need a bed that is just the right height, a crib that is just right, and a chair that will keep your squirming baby safe. But what about your own comfort? It's important to take care of yourself while you are carrying your child, and one way to do that is by using a baby pillow. A baby pillow can help you get some much-needed rest while your little one is sleeping next to you. Here are four reasons why every pregnant woman should have a baby pillow:
- Sleeping on Your Side During Pregnancy Can Cause Miscarriage: One of the most common causes of miscarriage is sleeping on your side during pregnancy. When you sleep on your back, the weight of the fetus presses on your uterus, which can help keep it in place and prevent miscarriage. However, if you sleep on your side, the weight of the fetus moving around can cause the uterus to move, which is known as Simmons Syndrome. If you experience any unusual vaginal bleeding or cramping during pregnancy, make sure to talk to your doctor about it. There may be another cause for these symptoms that needs to be addressed by a doctor.
- Sitting on the Sidelines of a Football Team Can Cause Miscarriage: According to experts at the University of Toronto, sitting for long periods on the sidelines of a football game can cause miscarriages. The research showed that when women were forced to sit for 90 minutes or more, there was an increased risk of miscarriage as compared to women sitting for only 60 minutes or less. While you can't completely avoid sitting during your pregnancy, try and keep moving around as much as possible! Being active during pregnancy is also important for maintaining a healthy weight gain and preventing gestational diabetes later in pregnancy.
- The First Trimester Is Most Dangerous During Pregnancy: You may have heard this old wives tale, but it is absolutely true. The first trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous time to pregnant women. This is when miscarriage and stillbirths are at their highest risk. During this primary period (which can last anywhere from 8-18 weeks), your body has not yet completely formed the placenta, therefore you are also less equipped to deal with issues like high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. If these problems aren't treated during this early stage of pregnancy, they could lead to serious issues later in pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia; a disorder that can cause high blood pressure, protein in the urine and edema.
Different Types of Baby Pillows
If you're like most new parents, you've probably been on a hunt for the perfect baby pillow. It's important to find the right one for your little one, as a pillow can play an important role in babies' sleep habits. Here are some of the most popular types of baby pillows, and their advantages and disadvantages:
Traditional Pillow:-
These pillows are round, dome-shaped, and made from soft materials such as feathers, down, or cotton. They're typically fill with batting or foam to make them comfortable and support your baby's head and neck. They're often used during breastfeeding to help support your baby's head and neck, and they can also be used as regular pillows after your baby reaches six months old. One downside is that traditional pillows can be bulky and difficult to travel with.
Cradle Pillow:-
A cradle pillow is similar to a traditional pillow but smaller in size and shaped more like a cone. The small size makes it easier for you to hold and position the pillow near your baby's head. Making it ideal for soothing newborns or young infants who may not tolerate being held upright. Cradle pillows are also popular among breastfeeding mothers because they are more likely to remain near your baby's face and chin, which is where the nipple typically rests.
A lollibub is somewhat similar to a regular pillow but with an extra layer of stuffing built into the center of the pillow. That allows you to easily adjust the firmness of the pillow to fit your child's comfort level. Since the center is filled with soft, fluffy fleece, you can use this pillow to support your baby from head to toe without raising baby's head off the pillow (which is important so that baby doesn't get a neck ache from sleeping in an awkward position).
Recommendations for a Baby Bedroom
A bamboo baby pillow is the new must-have for your baby’s bedroom. Not only does it keep them comfortable, but it can also help them sleep through the night.If you want something that can grow with your child, Sleepsia is a great choice. The bumper can be remove when your child outgrows it. And it comes with a removable canopy to protect them from sunlight. Plus, it has a built-in bed frame so you don’t have to buy one separately. We used the Playard for our first child, a daughter. After she reached the age of about two. We had enough that we were ready for a new one but didn’t want to spend a lot of money on a brand-new model. We went with this one because it was less than half the price of new models. And could be easily fold up for storage or travel. The quality is great – very sturdy and has a nice set of features.
How to Fall Asleep with a New Baby
If you're like most new parents, your first priority is getting your baby to sleep. But before you can even think about trying to put them down for a nap. You need a comfortable place for them to sleep. A baby pillow is the perfect solution!A baby pillow is a soft pillow that's specifically design for infants and toddlers. It's filling with air or foam and has a small hole in the center so your baby can breathe. Babies love being hugged and snuggle, which is why they usually fall asleep while being held or cuddled.If you're breastfeeding, make sure to use a nursing pillow instead of a baby pillow. Nursing pillows are larger and more supportive than baby pillows, which will help your breastfeed longer and easier.To get start, find the right size pillow for your baby. You'll want it to be big enough so that they can comfortably rest their head on it. And small enough so that it doesn't take up too much space in your bed. Once you have the perfect pillow, place it in your child's crib. Or nursery so that they can start using it as soon as possible.
Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep All Night
Sleep deprivation is the leading cause of childhood behavioral issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 50% of children aged three to seventeen years old report experiencing sleep problems at least a few times a month. For babies, inadequate sleep can lead to daytime crankiness, difficulty concentrating, and mood swings. A lack of sleep also has long-term health consequences, including obesity and heart disease in adulthood.There are many things you can do to help your baby get enough sleep. The first step is to create a bedtime routine that is comfortable for both you and your baby. You should avoid distractions during bedtime, such as televisions or phones. If you must have electronics in your bedroom, put them out of reach of your baby.Another way to help your baby get a good night’s sleep is by using a microfiber baby pillow. A baby pillow not only helps your child relax and fall asleep faster. But it can also prevent SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). A study published in the journal Sleep found that babies who slept on a pillow were 18% less likely to die from SIDS than babies who did not use a pillow.